Quote Originally Posted by Slashley View Post
The stronger you get, the more and more content you can do by just punching it really really hard. Many elements are somewhat new to the healer thing, since Ascension weapons haven't always been available and for example Dian and especially Nefertem are new healers in the game.
The same as always: the more you can be bothered to do, the stronger you'll get. Just go at your pace and enjoy the farm, or you won't last in Kamihime~
Ah. Not sure how long I'll take to get to that sort stage, but I'll probably get there. Eventually. To that end I think I'll start by getting myself more acquainted with the Grimoires by buying as much as I can - goodness knows I'm going to be needing a whole bunch of them to properly raise my Kamihimes, FLB weapons and take on the S-Rank Soul grind when those come knocking on the door. Thanks again. o7