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Hybrid View

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by AlterX View Post
    How is this events work? you can challenge it any amount of time and try to score your highest damage on them every try?

    As a new player, don't expect to do well. Just try to grab the basic rewards at least, by running your strongest team until you have a total of 110m damage done. Also, you can try getting a high Total Score to compete against other player by getting the best score you can from each element. Again, do not expect to do particularly well in this, but that's the best way to get Guild Medals, which are used for highly valuable Eidolon bricks.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    So, this current maintence will probably bring a bunch of stuff:
    - Union event
    - several shops being removed from the Shop section (just to clean up clutter I guess, you can access all those shops during their respective events)
    - rotating Advents added
    - Hastur Awakening (seems okay, -20% A turns to -20% A + -10% wind res, everything else seems insignificant, no burst effect is really bad)
    - raid ID invites? I mean, they're posting images for this specific event, so it should come during this event, right?
    - T4 Soul buffs too please?
    - some experimental stuff for Union events, couldn't be bothered to check what it means one year ago and still can't

    1. 特定状態異常無効
    2. 状態異常適応耐性UP
    3. 特定のレベル以降、レベルアップ時 攻撃力上昇値に減衰がかかる

    Oh yeah, they did say that the shop removal would happen on the 30th, so they're possibly splitting this list to multiple parts. I guess we'll see.

  3. #3
    Alright after 67th Day of this Journey, I Finally unlocked dang Shingen.

    After testing PF with Both soul weapons, I found it not so different beetween 200% Burst PF, and 500% Burst PF. which confuses me a bit.

    I have a couple questions regarding Burst Damage and their buff
    - I heard there is a limit of 500% burst damage is the cap from Buff?
    - Is Exceed weapon modifier of Burst damage stack with Burst damage buff from skills like PF? if yes does it share same cap?
    - Is Burs damage buff skill stack with each other? eg: Michael awakened (100% Burst damage Buff) 2nd skill with PF (500% Burst Damage buff)

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by AlterX View Post
    Alright after 67th Day of this Journey, I Finally unlocked dang Shingen.

    After testing PF with Both soul weapons, I found it not so different beetween 200% Burst PF, and 500% Burst PF. which confuses me a bit.
    Assuming that you're running a full SSR team, you have to remember that the difference is between 700% and 1000%. Furthermore, if you're running say 120% from Exceeds, then it's between 820% and 1000%. And then if you add Michael buff on top of that, it's between 920% and 1000%. It's still more damage, but you also have to remember that you lost 30% Elemental modifier from not running Shingen Lance. So unless you're running on-element with double P2W Eidolons, that is quite a lot of lost damage.

    So, here is how burst works:
    a) 500% base for SSR Hime, 550% for Awakened (significantly lower for SRs and especially Rs!!!).
    b) Up to 500% from burst modifier, this includes everything like the damage portion of Exceed, PF and Hime buffs (like Michael buff).
    c) Hime's unique personal effects. These are VERY RARE, and are usually something like 100% per token. Examples, Uriel and Pluto.

    If you read old posts, you'll find that Uriel is considered a god of damage. This is because in the era of few Exceed weapons, she was able to increase her cap to 2m. Furthermore, she has very fast token generation, so she is able to reach 550%+1000% burst damage very quickly, and this is before PF damage increase. This allowed her to reach 2m damage very easily, something that other Hime simply couldn't do.

    Nowadays, Uriel still hits 2m bursts very easily. However, that's "all" she does. Thanks to FLB Grids and other improvements, Hime with debuffs and/or team buffs can reach 2m bursts as well. This is related to your experience because, well, if you read old posts from days gone by, you probably get the impression that "OMG PF IS GODLIKE"
    Which, you know, it isn't. Is it good today? Hell yes it is, just like Uriel is. But are they as godlike as they used to be? No, no they are not.

    tl;dr; use offensive Soul weapons. The 30% Elemental is usually just too good to pass by.

  5. #5
    Okay, I am running full SSR with Shingen lance, with PF it should bring me to 700%, With Exceed to 820%, and is the cap 1000% ?

    , only hime with special token generation can break the 1000% Burst damage cap? e.g Uriel on your example 550%+1000%

    Am I understanding this correctly?

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by AlterX View Post
    Okay, I am running full SSR with Shingen lance, with PF it should bring me to 700%, With Exceed to 820%, and is the cap 1000% ?

    , only hime with special token generation can break the 1000% Burst damage cap? e.g Uriel on your example 550%+1000%

    Am I understanding this correctly?

    Just note that the 120% Exceed comes from using 3x FLB weapons with small Exceed (40% each). I have no idea what Grid you have. Also, there could be others that break 1000%, but I don't think there is a proper list of them anywhere. Wind Atum, Metatron maybe? Nonetheless, it is rare.

  7. #7
    Need some help optimizing my fire party. tl;dr which is better, Shingen with -40% def and -30% atk (20 atk 10 elemental atk) or d'art and -50% def and -40% atk (30 atk 10 elemental) - have soul weapon for both

    I currently have been running:

    D'art (with soul weapon and Ambush)
    Uriel (awakened)
    Svarog (awakened)

    I really want to replace Dakki with either Mammon or Amaterasu, however not positive the best way to do this. Assuming I replace Dakki with Amaterasu, I would be getting -20% from her and no longer would need to use D'art, so was thinking of swapping in Shingen and keeping ex skill as ambush. Doing so would mean losing -10 atk/def, giving me only -40% def and -30% atk (20 from amaterasu and 10% wind damage from Prometheus). Not sure if this is really worth it honestly, or if I should simply swap out Dakki for Mammon and leave d'art as my soul.

    Yes I know S-rank souls are a thing, haven't farmed them yet though so not really an option. Thanks for any advice! If this should go in the souls thread instead my apologies feel free to move figured it was more appropriate here as it's around my team/abilities not the soul itself.
    Last edited by Saeleyna; 10-24-2020 at 01:46 PM.

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