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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Dejnov View Post
    Servers seem to be fixed now. Nikes are much less than two days ago.
    Too soon, Executus! Too soon!

    The servers keep being horrible for days, then working just fine for 12-24 hours. They're back to being total shit again.
    This is going to be an interesting Tower.

  2. #2
    Hi, with the sudden coming of the Eidolon mtix today, I am interested on getting one.

    Which one I should I choose from the selection? I am thinking Genbu or Byakko?

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by AlterX View Post
    Hi, with the sudden coming of the Eidolon mtix today, I am interested on getting one.

    Which one I should I choose from the selection? I am thinking Genbu or Byakko?
    Those are the top two contestants, yes. In my opinion, in the order of:

    Byakko: At MLB, literally double damage. Do you hit 2m bursts with debuffs? With Byakko, you can do that WITHOUT debuffs! The one thing you have to remember about Byakko buff that literally any skill will consume it. So if you forgot some Hime buff skill before using Byakko, welp. You need to decide is "4 team members buffed + Byakko" stronger than "5 team members having just Byakko."
    (Northern Star Lord?: Not available, but we'll soon enough be getting it into gacha. At MLB, gives +100 burst to the entire team. RIDICULOUSLY GOOD. Use right after a Full Burst to double-dip into whatever buffs you used!)
    Genbu: At MLB, makes you nigh-immune for two turns. That's just stupid good for any content that is able to hurt you.

    (Southern Star Lord: Not available, but at MLB guaranteed triple attack for three turns for the whole team is ridiculously powerful. A bit harder to use than the rest, since you need to use it on a lull where you have little burst generation otherwise. Also, ideally you'll have Berserk for ridonkilucus damage.)
    Suzaku: At MLB gives you two guaranteed turns of pure safety. This can be SUPER strong depending on your team (for example, two more turns can mean more Orb Eats, resulting in more turns etc.) and your enemy. Also, Dispels which can be super strong. But, both things are a bit too situational for you to bother investing in.
    Seiryu: The heal is just too small to really matter (I can't imagine it scaling with Ascension), so you only use this for the Resurrection. Outside of Phaleg+ or the 6-man raid battle, you only need resurrection when something has already gone horribly wrong. So pretty weak IMO.

    Remember, the theme with all of these is that 0-2 stars is meh, 3 stars is decent, 4 stars is OH GOD THAT'S AMAZING. So, YOU WILL NEED FOUR EIDOLON BRICKS.

  4. #4
    Alright Byakko it is, thanks Slashley.

    Yea I figured about the MLB from wiki, shorter turns, and pretty ridiculous buff. I have 3 Eidolon Bricks so far, do not plan to buy the 10k NG Package, and will just MLB it on next UE

    Northern star lord sure is above the top, I Imagine you can 6th turns Quad Burst with Yori

  5. #5
    Thanks for the break down, think I am going with Genbu this time since I already have Byakko and Suzaku

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Oct 2020
    Yo guys. I was able to redive into the game months ago and I'm loving most of the new contents.
    However, while the ERROR problem has been mitigated, my biggest issue now is the extremely long loading time it takes to get inside the game or rather the bandwidth loss on each boot. As I said, it didn't act up that way years ago. Back then, after downloading all of the assets it needs to make the game run, it would normally get me inside the game in second. Although, at present, everytime, and I mean everytime I try to reboot the game, I'm always faced with a now loading that would take minutes to get past to. I tried to see with Glasswire if the game was downloading something big, and yes it did, a whooping 80mb of data download waste on every boot. It might seem slim at first glance, but taking into account the amount of time I have to reboot the game per day (adding in the still existing ERROR) along with my already pretty limited and slow net bandwidth, that's extremely big.

    So the reason of my presence here is to ask for information regarding this case, if it's happening to anyone, that the game always have to re-re-download the exact same HEAVY asset everytime we boot it (on all possible platforms aside from android, although I can't play on the later as the game-breaking ERROR is still heavily present there) and whether or not there's any solution to it.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Yup, the game client is absolutely retarded. They changed it to load from "on-demand" to "pre-load almost everything on start-up." As a result, once you're ingame you load faster, but the initial start is now reaaaaally slow.

    I don't know of any solution to it, at least. Maybe you could ask on the official Discord, since sadly these forums are very dead.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Oct 2020
    Wow seriously...? What is baffling me is why exactly is there a need to redownload something that has already been downloaded?

    I'll try asking on their official discord when I got time to see, thx for the reply.

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