You need to farm, farm, farm. You need more (good) FLB weapons (those 30% Assault Staves are... a bit lackluster IMO) and/or Ophiel Lances. Farm, farm, farm lets you also grab a T4 Soul which will also obviously help.
What's an ideal FLB weapon? Which weapons should I rush to SL30 (I'm assuming the assault/exceed ones)? I have a handful of bricks and some SSR release weapons, but haven't wanted to invest in that yet as not positive what I should be replacing. I have the old union pride weapons as well ofc, but those don't seem that great FLB either.

But you certainly don't seem weak, so aside from soloing Disasters/Guardians, you should be able to handle everything just fine? So I think the most important question is: what content exactly are you struggling with?
Nothing really just trying to make it better since I have a lot of mats sitting around I can use to improve things (outside of the farm grind obviously). I can't solo any of the L90 rag fights, but I don't know if that's something that's realistic either. Other than that I can do AQ7 just fine so maybe tower? Haven't tried a tower event recently honestly.....

I guess the better question then if you think it's mostly a grind at this point is hold off on improving this until I get better weapons and invest into other elements, or simply beef this up how I can currently anyway knowing stuff will get replaced?