Quote Originally Posted by Slashley View Post
The good news for first generation P2W Eidolons is that you can FLB them to 140%. That DOES make them decent. But only do that if you'll be committed to farming the everliving shit out Phaleg+ generation raids, and those will probably be a total cunt to beat.

Thanks to Guardian Eidolons existing, I think that the biggest linchpin has moved to Grids. Simply put, for example Fire just doesn't have a good Grid available to it. You'll need to brick a whole bunch of Hime weapons to even hope having a Fire Grid. It's doable, but also extremely random. Water and Thunder have a huge advantage in this aspect over others, but Wind and Dark also have decent weapons available. For Fire and Light, you're fucked if you don't run a Hime Grid.
I've never really run a guardian Eido as my main so I'll have to defer to your experience, but he already has two Belial dupes so it's only 2 bricks. Not an insane or overtly tough investment. I would also normally agree with the Fire being a hard grid, but he already has one Mammon Whip; that's half the exceed problem right there. You can run phaleg staffs as your main with phantom; they're assault/defender which is fairly decent. That plus a couple phaleg axes or Union swords (they are available this year) is a workable grid. Of course, you're always going to be looking for fire lances, but I don't know the availability of those going forward.

I will also agree that Water/Thunder grids are incredibly easy to do and, if he's willing to run Ophiel, water will be a doable main choice also.

So you have two choices water and fire. I'd invest exclusively into those for now (like with awakenings etc.) and work to doing their guardian raids above others and see where you want to go from there.
