Quote Originally Posted by Vortex View Post
Hi, could someone explain de difference between elemental up and caracter up on Eid bonus ? (and why the former is better)

thank and sorry if i missed the explanation somewhere :/
Character up means it's checking for the attribute of the character, with zero regard for her skills. Element up checks for the skill being used, with zero regard for the girl.
The example given in the wiki looks at Amon (the normal fire attribute version) and that skill of hers that does Fire and Dark damage. In the case of improving the attack of fire characters, since the skill is being cast by Amon, both the fire and the dark hits will be improved. In the case of improving the attack power of fire element, it's only the fire hit of that skill that gets buffed.

Why is element up considered to be better than character up? According to the wiki, the two actually factor into damage calculation differently. The former is potentially stronger because it's a multiplicative bonus, while the latter is an additive bonus.