Quote Originally Posted by Mitoru View Post
Mordred is more flexible, Arthur is just a typical hard hitter. If you lack or simply enjoy pure damage you can go with Arthur, Mordred obliterates raid and event bosses.
I feel like my Mortred team allows me to steamroll "harder" content than that team should be able to get away with, but any boss with decent resistances (like Wind Disaster) makes her kind of pointless aside from looking really cool. She isn't really that flexible at all, she just drops her debuff and then autoattacks until it comes back up. But as it lands against 90% of the enemies in the game right now it's pretty OP.

In public raids though (puke) it doesn't do any good, as the DoT damage doesn't get assigned to you so you just kill off the raid boss faster. It's amazing for solo raiding, but redundant as hell in public ones.