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Hybrid View

  1. #1
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by felix View Post
    As a light/dark main, ive been looking at what weapons we will be getting in the future, and since for my dark team i will be using Andromeda forever, i found out that literary the only ssr weapons she can use are Osiris staff with small assault skill and Apocalypse spear. Problem is that i missed Apoc event, and the reprint we will be getting comes with phoenix event as well. in addition, ive heard that +X% X element atk type of summons are pretty good. So i assume that when we will get the reprint, i should focus on gettin spear to max lb first, and then get my light bow to max lb (only need 1 more so that should be VERY easy). Considering they will decrease prices for the items, gettin both weapons to max lb should be doable w/o much trouble. My question is about summons: are Apocalypse and Phoenix really that good? ( i mean i can stock up on elixirs beforehand, sacrificing some of the previous event gains, since my main is light/dark) i managed to get Echidna and Hecatonchier but i doubt i will ever lb them even once Echidna even with no lb has same dark attribute % as max lb Apoc, but less atk/hp than max lb Apoc, Hecatonchier on the other hand is light characters % dmg, not light attribute, so thats different, from what i understand... Should i just ignore Apocalypse altogether? After all i REALLY doubt i will be able to buy 5 spears AND 5 Apocalypses during one event without massive elixir stacking, so i need to choose.
    P.S. Hopefully my rambling makes sense.

    Dont worry IIRC you can only bought max of 3 copies during the respective event anyway, whether that's a good thing or bad thing for you is another problem.

  2. #2
    Rageflare Guest
    Just did the 150 Gold Gacha Draw. So fcking lucky. Got my 3rd SSR Kamihime. Dark Amon lol

  3. #3
    so.... what u guys do with those N/R/SR eido? mine like nothing else can do with them??

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