I am sure most know by now that Nike and Cybele have their own SSR forms just like Amon, so any ideas how good their SSR form or they are mediocre and not much worth??? gonna assume Baal will get one if those did as well.

also are there going to be other Kamihime we can get in future release of Story/Quest mode??? like for example the Light and Dark ones??? since from what I noticed they are going on elements depends on the stage/map.

Nike who is already water is basically a starter Kamihime so unsure if she is counted or not.

first stage is fire thus Amon was fire, unsure if there is going to be another Fire Stage if there is does this mean we gonna get another Fire Kamihime or not???

since for now story mode ended at early of Water stage, do we get a new Kamhime of this stage as well??? with Nike is already being a water and all cause so far we didn't see any Kamihime and the ones we get usually make an appearance in very early of the map like Cybele and Baal had done, we are already 2 stages down now, unless we get that Water Eidolon they are chasing instead and the fire stages gets the same treatment???