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  1. #1
    Unregistered Guest
    Harem crashing the game...
    can't collect the jewels

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Harem crashing the game...
    can't collect the jewels
    Clear your browser cache, then try again.

  2. #2
    TNinja Guest
    I'm still waiting to ten chain weapon kamihime

  3. #3
    Kamihime General Discussion + Q&A-kamihime.png
    Better late than never aye.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Items User Name Style Change
    Only notable thing out of those like 50 pulls was Raphael.... how is she?
    Boy I didn't get a single one of the beach girls out of all of that

  5. #5
    Got four new himes out of the tickets: Maeve, Scathach, Hestia, and Dazbog.

    This game really wants me to go with wind and fire, lol.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    I'm saving all my tickets for when Ryuuou or Cthulhu are released in 1-2 months.
    Last edited by sanahtlig; 06-27-2017 at 05:45 PM.
    Magicami Starter Guide: Rerolling for Success
    Rerolling in Kamihime Project: How to get FREE SSR Kamihime
    Sanahtlig's Kamihime Project Toolbox: Includes damage calculators and other useful tools, data, and info I've designed and collected. Make a copy to edit.

  7. #7
    I am saving my tickets for when Cthulhu is released. If I am not mistaken tickets don't receive "rate up" bonus so it only makes sense for me to wait untill more water SSR kamis are released.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Nevermind, I forgot that soon after Cthulhu SSR Nike should be released. This will be what I will wait for!

    Once one or two join, the rest will join like locusts for the easy kill.
    no one cares about thunder. its like that one cousin you know is there - but refuse to acknowledge its existence
    - certain someone from dmm kamihime discord

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Items User Name Style ChangeUsername Change
    SR or higher hime ticket gave me the SR thunder hime Hermod.
    SR or higher hime draw 10 gave me SR thunder hime Ramiel, R wind hime Scathach, SR dark Tsukyomi and dupe of Satan.
    SR or higher regular ticket gave me garbage.
    5 regular premium tickets gave me the SR fire hime Motu. Rest was junk.
    Guaranteed hime ticket gave me Astroth dupe.
    Regular premium 10 ticket gave me 2 thunder hime, SSR Raiko and SR Verethragna.
    1st 3k gem gave me nothing worth mentioning.
    2nd 3k gave me Hestia, Circe, and Summer Nergal, all R
    3rd 3k gave me a Nova Dragon dupe and the R Wind hime Puck.

    11 new himes for me, but dang, the only unit I wanted was summer Brynhildr.

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