Quote Originally Posted by Slashley View Post
1. I think Japan very recently (so for us in about 11 months) got a thing where you can trade in Eidolons for points. Gacha SSR Eidolons are 750 points (per limit break) and event Eidolons are 150 (per limit break). The primary use for these points seems to be... getting Kaiser Dragoons, which cost a mere... 10k points? Okay, who thought this'd be a good idea. Anyone who actually has enough points is going to already have gotten several Kaisers from the Gacha, I'd guess.
2. 15 dragon eyes. Each. Yup, have fun with that.
Found the link.
Hmm interesting. They made a clear cut difference between Gacha SSR and Event SSR but never mentioned anything about SR Prison Eidos being sellable to obtain 30 points per Eido. Does this mean that if I start stocking up on all Prisoner Eidos and MLB them whenever I can (to save inventory space), just by selling around 67 of these things I can obtain a free Kaiser? That sounds like a very decent deal to me since Kaisers have the highest stats in game when MLBed. Great for adding them into Secondary Eido slots.

Also fuck the 15 dragon eyes weapons. Are they freaking insane? I'd rather get the 10 eyes SSR guaranteed ticket thank you very much...