Quote Originally Posted by Slashley View Post
The exact mechanics of Snatch are unknown. There is data which suggests that it does work... ... probably...

Anyway, Snatch stacks. You went from 3 -> 4 -> 5 -> 5. The maximum stacks is 9. Skuld simply casts Snatch1. You can check debuffs (such as Snatch stacks) by clicking on the mob name when attacks are not taking place.

It is unknown how Eidolons with drop rate increase work, and I don't think anyone has even started to gather data on does it work or not. Probably does.
Thank and MrAir too. Another one now, well few actually (lol) I'll try to keep it short ... i don't know on what to focus in this advent. That is it. XD

More seriously, my current limit is Expert medusa and Standard Rahab. This advent isn't a must for me as my main team is light. Both my water and dark team doesn't amount to much (SR Noden, SR Nike, R Rusalka, R Undine) As for dark (SSR Satan, R Astaroth, R Mephistopheles and R Naberius.) And i didn't name only 4 of those element because it was making a full team along the soul but because i only own them. It's why i'm not losing myself in greed for this event ^^ even if i were to max medusa and her weapon or rahab and her weapon. Both element would still be weaker than my light or fire team, maybe event thunder actually.

Naberius agaisnt who her 2nd skill can be used ? (Small fry/Story chapter aside) If no Advent Battle/ Raid Boss self-heal then this is probably the worse harem skill i didn't search enough or playing enough to have heard of pvp i know there is an union event but i don't know whether it is pvp like Dragon Province (playing a lot on this game but stopped month ago) or a pve event nor do i particulary care. Also can one explain to me Satan 3rd skill too ? She do Dmg but the effect is opposite of Mordred black propaganda and since i have been told Mordred is cheat ... i'm kind of expecting Satan 3rd skill to be so-so if not outright bad. but then could be like a beserk skill too, huge damage buff but instead of giving yourself a debuff it help the ennemy ...

I bought Medusa twice but with the increase of price i dunno if i can max her, i'm at 36/70 - 11/40 and 11/15 to get her a third time. (How much the 4th and 5th cost ?) Knowing that, i could hoard mat and spend them last day. In medusa if i can max her or medusa and weapon if i can't. Thought i may still prefer to go for medusa event if only to buy soul points with Blood wine. My first and only legendary soul is D'artagnan and i'm 710 Soul points away from mordred (Or any other legendary aside those asking for Cassiopeia or Granuaile)

My light team is Sol, Metatron, Aurora and Urania (i got orpheus in sub) I'm also currently exp SSR fire acala in the other sub and she hurt enough to be usefull when i start losing girl.

I obviously failed at keeping it short.