Quote Originally Posted by Slashley View Post
I got Odin myself, and I thought so too. Then I tried it out.

The combo+ buff is INSANE. I roughly estimate her to hit 60% double, 30% triple and 10% single. Yes, it really sucks ass when she does a single attack, but it's still huge. It's even more huge when you use Berserk, like from Puck who gives double damage, or Cagliostro. Double damage + her combo+ = 4.4x damage per turn on average.

In addition, you have Freya. Freya can give Intercept, no? Berserk + Intercept is quadruple damage. That's a lot of fun if it lands.

Sadly though, the Def cut from Odin's skill is -50%, so she takes double damage. Thus, she's not really... valid for proper content. This will get cut to -30% roughly around June 2018. That might make Odin valid... but probably not.
Also, your Wind team is pretty damn good, so you can't really afford to use Puck or Cagliostro.

I'd say use an alternative team for Wind on which you can have fun with. It's extremely impressive to see Odin go wild on triple attacks under Berserk. But against anything serious? ... you probably need to just forget about her. I guess she's better than Cronus as your second sub, but that's pretty much it I think.

EDIT: Oh yeah, by the way, Odin heals herself for 3000 damage on every Burst. That's quite the only thing she has going for her, as it synergises very well with her "gain extra Burst from damage taken" and first skill.
hmm...so if i use arthur attack boost+give her freja's attack boost+ let say bersek and...what does Intercept actually do?
so she can deal a lot of damage (when she use that skill and have low HP?)...sounds nice, but as said her def debuff is a problem.
if just 1 of the kami in team/soul could heal debuff :O
i guess that i can try her out soon, we should have thunder advent event so i can make a team for fun for ultimate mode as it should be easy and test her.
just noticed about her burst skill yesterday, not used to see much kamis with burst skill and healling up to 3K HP sounds nice.
but as sana suggested maybe i should wait for titania if i decide to take her for offense team.

Quote Originally Posted by sanahtlig View Post
Sub Zephyr for Freya. Forget about Odin. You'll want to use Andromeda for most content to make up for lack of heals. The type C ATK debuff from Zephyr will greatly enhance your endurance.

Odin could work well with Titania, who grants a type B ATK/DEF buff. That would cancel out the DEF debuff. Otherwise, without a means to cancel out or cleanse the DEF debuff, Odin would be a liability. But overall, Odin is just a weaker version of SSR Cybele. You can tell the devs had a concept for Wind as a Burst-heavy element, but the initial implementation was pretty flawed.
the team i wrote down was my offense wind team that focus on dealing damge, i don't think zephyrus have a place there, but maybe in defensive wind with arc as soul so can enjoy both cut damage of her and gaia.
actually i kinda planned to get titania as instead of my freja as both have attack+defense up, but it's up to luck (or...miracle ticket)
so if i get titania then i should use her too? if so titania will replace freja and odin oberon/cybele (maybe cybele and use sniper shot as EX skill)