Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Even though I was invited randomly into my current union, it seems like out of the only two people active, I'm the only one trying to fight Lust, or participate in the event. So every raid is a solo fight, and it feels like they're gaining more and more HP, making fights drag on really long. I'm using Sol and Nike to heal, so the raging phase isn't so bad, but it constantly saps my burst gauge, so it takes longer than it should. I'm vaguely aware I should do Lilims for power-ups, but as a pathetic excuse for a "one-man army", I don't feel they're worth the time investment if they wear off at the end of the day. Since my characters are every element, I need to also put a lot of AP into daily quests. But anyway, I'm at 14 kills, and Lust drops really nice EXP items, so it's making me stronger inch by inch.
Unfortunately, there's not much you can do to fix the "one-man army" thing right now. You'll have to be patient until this event ends and you can switch to a different union. Fortunately though, Union events do get reruns, so you'll be able to aim higher the next time around.

As for dealing with the rage phase, you can force her into stun phase faster by bringing along girls with active abilities that directly inflict damage. You have Amon, and if you've been rolling the gacha, then you should have at least a few fire Rs who might be of help too. An R who has type-advantage will hit as hard as an SR who doesn't, and in some cases can hit much harder.