Quote Originally Posted by Slashley View Post
Which is why you never, ever do anything except 100% chances. It can only bite you in the long run.

In before some smartypants goes "I did a skill level up with 3% chance, it's good!111"

This is wrong. Going for 100% chances improves consistency, but statistically, the average amount of materials you'll be using is the same.
On the other hand, there are two cases were going for less than 100% is statistically better.

(Note that the following explanations might be a bit tough to understand if you're not used to do optimized skill leveling, or bad with maths)

The first one is when leveling up Rares. I'll take the example of a rare Chalice because it's the most common one.
Many people (if not most of them) believe leveling up a R Chalice to level 3 is optimal because you'd need 2 Rs Weapons to always level it up to 4 which would make it worth 8 Rs instead of 6 by spending 2 Rs, so there is no point. However, if you level the Chalice from 3 to 4 by attempting to enhance it with a single R, you'll have a 66% chance to get 2 Rs worth of value by only spending one. Sure, sometimes, you'll miss, but in average, you'll spend 1.5 Rs to get 2 Rs. You're gaining half an R in average every time.

This holds true for every time you level up an R Weapon or Chalice from an odd number level to an even number level.

The second situation where going for less than 100% is better is for fodder balancing. If you're properly doing Disaster Raids when events are down, you'll get a whole bunch of SR Weapons, as Gems is the main source of R Weapons.

However, if you're active enough, you should end up getting too many SRs compared to Rs to properly level all of them up to Skill level 4 and still use have enough Rs to always go for a 100% level up chance. Going for less than 100% helps keeping a better balance.
If I had to give a proper example, let's imagine you want to level an SSR from skill level 9 to 10. You need a fodder worth of 18 Rs to do so, and the common way to get that is having an SR with skill level 4 (worth 14 Rs) and 4 Rs.
Therefore, you're spending an SR, 6 Rs to level up the SR, and 4 Rs to go up to 100%. 1 SR and 10 Rs for a guaranteed level up.
Now, let's assume you don't go for 100% and only try with a Skill level 4 SR. You spend 1 SR and 6 Rs and get a 77,7 % success rate. Since you could miss and might try multiple times, you're actually spending 1.286 SRs and 7.714 Rs in average. Basically, in average you're spending (1.286-1=) 0.286 SR to save (10-7.714=) 2.286 Rs. Since an SR weapon has a value of 8 R weapons for enhancing (14 total - the 6 spent to level it up), the 2 previous examples actually use the same amount worth of materials (2.286 Rs = 0.286 SRs * 8), which means you spent the exact same amount worth of fodder in average for both, but the option where you go for less than 100% was able to use more SRs and less Rs than the first one.
My point is, once you reach the levels where you need more than one SR at skill level 4 to level your skill up, not filling the success rate with Rs to reach 100% will help you spend your SRs more easily by saving Rs, for a final result of using the same material worth in average. You can still use multiple ones, like using 2 SR Skill level 4 Weapons to level up an SSR weapon at skill level 14 or higher, just don't use raw Rs if you want to keep a better balance except for the first levels where SRs are still overkill.

By the way, there are situations where you'll still have too many SRs to use and you only want to level them up to 3 before using them as material fodder, in which case they'll be worth 10,5 Rs. If you do that, note that you statistically shouldn't try to reach 100% if you're using only one of those, because you'd be wasting 0.5 worth of R fodder this way.
For example, if you want to level an SR weapon at skill level 11, you need 11 Rs worth of fodder. If you use an SR at skill level 3, you'd get 10.5 worth of Rs and have a really little chance of missing, but if you add an R, you'd go up to 11.5 worth of R but you're actually wasting 0.5 R as you only need to go up to 11. in average Second option uses half an R extra compared to the first one, even if it's more consistent, so go for first option unless you're THAT caught up on consistency. If you use an even number of SR Skill level 3 weapons (basically 2), you'd get a worth of 21 Rs, going back to an integer number, so you won't go over 100% anymore.

I hope I was clear enough, this isn't a particularly easy topic and English is not my native language