Hello All!
I'm looking for a new active guild. I play daily and am pretty active during events. Pretty chill guy

Rank: 72
IGN ID: 15607243
Power ATK: 41002
Preferred Team: WIND
Preferred Burst Times: Preferably 11-12 EST other than that any, but pretty flexible.
SSR Kamis: Titania, Cu Chulainn, Gaia(awakened), Amaterasu, Susanoo
SR: Have most sr wind kamis

Eidolons: St. Nick (max), Jack Frost(max), Reiki (max), Jackolantern(max), Echidna (70), Azathoth(40), Fenrir(40), Fafnir(40), slepnir (40), archangel (40)
