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  1. #1
    Hello All
    I'm looking for a new active guild that can complete union events as last one was basically only me and 1 more still we managed to get 4x break gula did 4m pp on main and 1,5 on alt . Started playing in 2018 so im pretty new , online almost 24/7 on both accounts except at work pc's too crappy to run 2x kami windows + work , so 1 at a time .

    Rank: 54
    IGN ID: 897817
    Power ATK: 29k+
    Preferred Team: can make a decent team for every ele except fire atm ;
    Preferred Burst Times: i live in eu so anything in between 00:00-14:00 works.
    SSR Kamih: Gaia, Sol, Amon, Ryu

    Eidolons: Reiki max, gulam 85

    Rank: 48
    IGN ID: 544351
    Preffered team: Thunder.
    SSR Kamih: Thor, Raiko , DARK amaterasu
    EIdolon: Reiki 85

    Would be nice if both acc's can be invited to same union , staying in old unions for now in case donation daily missions ;
    DIscord: can join it , but wont be chatty/active on it, never launching it w/o a reason , so probably would be there only to ask a question or durin union events etc. ;
    Last edited by HellsinGas; 01-21-2018 at 07:03 AM.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Rank: 39
    IGN ID: 4610669
    *Power ATK (next to rank): 17405
    *Preferred Team: No particular, fire maybe
    *Preferred Burst Times: whenever
    *Comment: looking for a active union

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