Rank: 43
IGN ID: 591984
*Power ATK (next to rank): 26226
*Preferred Team: Holy/Dark
*Preferred Burst Times: 0800-0900 and/or 2000-2100 PST
*Comment: Just discovered this game a couple of weeks ago and finally settling on an account to level. I'm still learning the game and trying to make my teams as efficient as possible. Holy is my most well rounded team atm. So I'm definitely looking to join up with some experienced players that don't mind sharing their knowledge. My current teams/eidolons:

Holy - Sol/Eros/Diana/filler w/ Mordred
Dark - Sol/Satan/filler/filler w/ Mordred
Water - Sol/Saraswat/Shiva/filler w/ Arthur
Wind - Gaia/SR Cybele/filler/filler w/ Arthur
Eidolons - Hecatonchires (lvl52), Sphinx (lvl54), Sleipner (lvl40), Vritra (lvl40)