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  1. #1
    Unregistered Guest

    Looking for active union

    Rank 56

    ID 9799
    Avg Power - 29k
    Prefered team - Fire
    Runer up team - Light
    Prefered burst time : Any

    Comment : Looking for a other bunch of player to have a good time

  2. #2
    Unregistered Guest

    Looking for a new union

    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Rank 56

    ID 9799
    Avg Power - 29k
    Prefered team - Fire
    Runer up team - Light
    Prefered burst time : Any

    Comment : Looking for a other bunch of player to have a good time

    Name in game : Sinha

  3. #3
    Looking for a high ranking uion to join. My id is 37443 and good at most elements except dark. Last union event got individual rank at 563.
    IGN ID: 37443
    Multi SSR on most elements except dark.

  4. #4
    Much like the above, I joined around late May and did most of the work the last two Union Events. Individual PP was 8.7 mil in the last one.

    Rank: 78
    IGN ID: 6141241
    Power ATK: 40,605
    Preferred Team: Thunder
    Preferred Burst Times: Any
    Comment: Currently only have a solid Thunder team (have Athena and a nearly complete Assault grid for Thunder, with plans to pick up Mammon with a Miracle ticket, prolly my only buy), with the beginnings of a Wind team (have Set and enough SR for a base team, but been focused mainly on getting Thunder up to snuff).

  5. #5
    Union Name: LuckySeven
    IGN ID: Leader(SamZ): 1475068 | SubLeader(Me): 2403769 | SubLeader(Cheat22): 2528210

    *Additional Requirements: Looking for active members - and I mean, active to contribute to Union events as much as possible, otherwise it will mean ban. Players above level 70 are more than welcome, anything below will be analyzed.
    *Burst Times: 13:00 - 14:00 / 18:00 - 19:00 (server time)
    *Guardian Level/Rank/Name: All guardians at max level.

    Envy Rematch ranking by 15 members:Kamihime Project R - Union Recruitment Thread-envy.png

    We are also considering merging with another Union with a small amount of members. But be mindful that we are seeking active players looking forward to getting into the ranking for the Union Events. Burst Time is negotiable to best fit everyone's free time. For further information and talk on the subject, I'll be leaving our discord server link below.
    Last edited by Handu; 07-25-2018 at 05:57 PM.

    Nutaku ID: 503483705 | DMM ID: 434650961

  6. #6
    Unregistered Guest
    Leader, looking to recruit for my functionally empty Union.

    Union Name: Send Nudes
    Rank: 3
    IGN ID: DemosS13 - 3271577
    Spaces Left: 26/28
    Additional Requirements: None
    Members: 2, 1 active (me)
    Burst Times: Flexible, currently 15:00 and 20:00
    Guardian: Fire Lvl 1

    Recent Union Envy Event Ranking (by myself): Top 2000

    I'd just like some more people in here with me. I'm not trying to hit the top ranks or anything, since clearing Ragnarok difficulties is still a ways off for me personally, but due to the limited window of suggested scouts, finding people willing to join an empty union is tough. I don't care if you're rank 1 or rank 1000, if you immediately sign off for a year after joining, or any of the other sorts of bits. If you play the game and you want to be in a union, Send Nudes has no qualifiers. Your spot is assured once you join, lengthy absences and full member rosters situations notwithstanding, and you can do whatever you like. Playing for the sake of grinding this silly little game.

    Quick FAQ section:
    Q: Why don't you just join a different Union? A: I like this one. I think the name I gave it was good, and even if it's only me in it, I still get to challenge Union events and apparently do decently at them.
    Q: So, it sounds like you don't care if anyone joins, and even if they do, it's not necessary for them to be active or powerful to stay in the Union. A: That wasn't a question, but that's correct.
    Q: Who is the other member? A: An inactive player named True Zarak (3464903), offline for 121 days, sub-leader by virtue of still being in the Union when I returned from a lengthy absence.
    Q: Do you give out Officer and Sub-leader promotions like candy? A: It depends on how good your manners and your costume are. Bonus points for home-made outfits, but if you're a ghost in a bedsheet you get nothing.
    Q: What is your name? A: DemosS13 Q: What is your quest? A: To see SSR boobs and click Enhance a billion times. Q: What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow? A: ... *thrown into pit*

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Jul 2018

    Union SLAMPLE level 5

    Union Name : SLAMPLE

    IGN ID : NnnDdt

    *Spaces Left : 21 places

    *Additional Requirements : Basically, this team exists only for have all rewards from daily mission and have more rewards from union events. So basically, if you are wanting to help for have them, you'll be welcome.. I've put a level minimum for enter in the team, the level 20 (you can't really help if you're under).

    *No. of Members : 9, but we are really 4, and sometimes 5 to be activ.

    *Burst Times : between 10 hours and 12 hours.

    *Guardian Level/Rank/Name : Our team is level 5, our guadian is the fire guardian level 1.

    So basically, if you've the profil of semeone who just play one time or two before going to your job the morning and two others the night, it's okay. We will let you benefit from our job, so let us do the same with you
    Last edited by NnnDdt; 07-26-2018 at 09:35 AM.

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