Union Name: Weeb Wanks

IGN ID: 1933193

Spaces Left: 5

Additional Requirements: Discord, Rank 60+, 3M Individual PP

No. of Members: 25

Burst Times:
Time 1
7:00PM-8:00PM PST, 10:00PM-11:00PM EST, 2:00AM-3:00AM GMT
Time 2
9:00PM-10:00PM PST, 12:00AM-1:00AM EST, 4:00AM-5:00AM GMT
Guardian Level/Rank/Name: ALL MAX

Union Rankings:
Expert: 46
Ultimate: 24

WWanks is looking for 4-6 new members
We consistently rank 29+ in ultimates, and arent too anal about being strong, only that you are active and aim to improve.
The union is highly degenerate and doesn't kinkshame.
All of our members love don't mind lolis.

Join our discord for more info:

And view our awesome ad:
Kamihime Project R - Union Recruitment Thread-wwanksad2.jpg