Quote Originally Posted by Kitty View Post

we rank top 10 in all union events
we're all very active, group chat in discord that's active every single day where we all talk because we're all friends and gay shit.
quick quick get em while it's hot
join my union and you'll be able to make friends with the one and only cute freshly 18 year old kitty teehee
idgaf about ranking, just be active in the union event. every little helps.
burst times are 3pm and 7pm GMT (bc im british and all)

guardians are all maxed out, and we have plenty of 100% eido members that will happily add you to their friends list as well as help you in raids and stuff.
and if you're lucky enough to get on my good side i'll draw u a nice picture like i did for laventale
my IG ID is 195865

nows ur chance bois let's go
maybe you'll get nudes if u join but not mine uh maybe not mine but YOU'LL NEVER KNOW UNTIL YOU JOIIIINNNNNNN
(plz everyones leaving me, i need friends)
I'm down, here's my stats if you're still adding
IGN: Xenos
Rank: 101
IGN ID:3848094
Power ATK: 36k-39k
Preferred Team: Don't really have one
Preferred Burst Times: Afternoons PST, but w/e

Thanks for the consideration