Rank: 63
IGN ID: 7206275
*Power ATK: 37k (Light, for this event).
*Preferred Team: Dark, Lightning, Light, Fire, Water, Wind (In that order, all relatively strong except wind. My wind is trash.)
*Preferred Burst Times: Preferably later as I work full time, but I auto battle on my cell so not a really big deal.
*Comments: Joined an open union for this event, I'm currently 1.6m out of their 2.5m in PP (1st day). Not quite sure how union restrictions work during Union events ? If it's restricted, I'll bite the bullet and help some newbros get stuff for this one, but elsewise I'd love to join and actually get the maxed out dark weapons for my primary dark squad. I'm very active, especially during events. (Normally aim for full clear).