Union Name: V(^^)W EU
leader IGN ID: Torkov #28998
*Spaces Left: 1
*Additional Requirements: rank 70+, more importantly, be active
*No. of Members: 29/30
*Burst Times: 11:00-12:00 and 23:00-24:00, will be changed to 22:00-24:00 for the next union event.
*Guardian Level/Rank/Name: all at 5, Priority for Guardian rotation are: UE Event focusing days > Tower Event > Guild Order
Discord: https://discord.gg/2AQAzG6

Please come present yourself on our discord and leave your ingame name and ID so I can send you an invite to join the union and give you further right to the discord. We are currently regularly ranking TOP 10 union on Expert and TOP 50 on Ultimate. As long as you warn us of an absence, we won't kick you out and we don't enforce any minimum participation nonsense. Just be active and have fun with the team.