Rank: 107
IGN ID: 5996327
*Power ATK: 46k - 49k
*Preferred Team: All of them, right now thunder and light, got 49k on dark but with shitty hime
*Preferred Burst Times: 20:00 - 21:00 ; 22:00 - 23:00 CEST
*Comment: The epitome of a casual player and hikikomori. I enjoy this game quite much and I play when I can. I'm a greedy man, so you don't need to worry about events, cause I'll be trying to get all I can (especially weapon enh mats).

I also have account on DMM for about 1,5 week. Playing with dark team right now (23k power), but I got a lot of wierd thunder hime and hanuman, so the future stays open. ID: 5115590