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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Oct 2017

    looking for active guild

    Saw your post for recruitment, im currently rank 72 and looking for a union that I can contribute to and be able to clear content with. my current union has fewer than 10 people on daily and there was little completion done during the last union event. I have SSR parties for DRK, LIGHT, WATER, WIND, THDR and have an average combat power of 31k + except FIRE. really looking for a union to clear events with. I play daily and im flexible with burst times. IGN Lyokei117 ID:26865105 scout me if your intersted and ill leave my current union immediately.

    Quote Originally Posted by dd... View Post
    Union Name: Double Dz
    IGN/ID: dd 7543768
    Burst Time: 00:00-01:00 15:00-16:00
    Members: 24/30
    Guardians: Fire lvl 5, Water lvl 5, Wind lvl 5, thunder lvl 5

    Cleared both Union events and will be looking to continue with doing so.
    Looking to fill empty spots, there is no official amount of inactive days to be kicked from union but 10+ days inactive and you are at risk of removal

  2. #2
    Union Name:Infinity
    *Spaces Left:24
    *Additional Requirements:None
    *No. of Members:6/30
    *Burst Times:12:00-13:00 19:00-20:00
    *Guardian Level/Rank/Name:Fire lvl 3, Wind lvl 2
    Union Rank 5

    If you need a Union for Crucible event join us. Discord link in union chat.

  3. #3
    Searching for an ACTIVE! Union

    IGN: Crest
    ID: 766139
    Rank: 82
    Attackpower: Depends on team, Highest 38k (32k in profile), lowest ~28-30k
    My Current strongest teams: Dark, followed by Lightning and Fire
    Weakest: Wind and water, Light is in the middleground.
    No Preferred Burst time.

    Just want an active Union that participates in Union events, many member with rank50+ would be nice, maybe an active chat, discord is something i would like to have, but not required.
    I am usually 2-3 times a day active (except for the following weekend friday-sunday, not that i get kicked just cause i was not present on the first weekend).
    My Current Union is down to 11 Members with many not active for weeks now.

    If you have any question just send me a PM or ask away on the forum.
    Last edited by LeCrestfallen; 10-31-2017 at 05:54 AM.

  4. #4
    Recruiting Members for upcoming Union event

    Union Name: KishinoKai
    IGN ID: nervehammer - 1218307
    *Spaces Left: 1
    *Additional Requirements: Preferably level 50 or higher since most of our members are 50 or higher
    *No. of Members: 29
    *Burst Times: 12 00 - 13 00 and 19 00 - 20 00
    *Guardian Level/Rank/Name: Fire guardian level 4/ Water guardian level 4/ Wind guardian level 4/ Thunder guardian level 4

    We also have a discord server which is not a requirement for joining the union but it is highly recommended.

    As long as you are active in the game, you will be welcomed with open arms.

    Edit: Two players replied to me and I sent scouts to them already. Sorry but recruitment is currently closed.

    New Edit: One of the players turned me down so i have one slot available.
    Last edited by nervehammer; 11-01-2017 at 08:09 AM.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by nervehammer View Post
    Recruiting Members for upcoming Union event

    Union Name: KishinoKai
    IGN ID: nervehammer - 1218307
    *Spaces Left: 2
    *Additional Requirements: Preferably level 50 or higher since most of our members are 50 or higher
    *No. of Members: 29
    *Burst Times: 12 00 - 13 00 and 19 00 - 20 00
    *Guardian Level/Rank/Name: Fire guardian level 4/ Water guardian level 4/ Wind guardian level 4/ Thunder guardian level 4

    We also have a discord server which is not a requirement for joining the union but it is highly recommended.

    As long as you are active in the game, you will be welcomed with open arms.
    i would be interested, you can see my stats in the post before you. Can you PM me the discord link?

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