Quote Originally Posted by VortexMagus View Post
There is a very very low chance of getting the SSR light bow weapon and the SSR Phoenix Eidolon from the 30 ap run. It can drop from the rainbow chest.

Note: I ran the first event's 30 ap mission over a hundred times without a single SSR lance or SSR apocalypse eidolon dropping for me, but I got an SSR bow on my 12th run with this event. Don't expect it, just letting you know that it's there. There are some people who posted screenshots of getting the SSR lance and apocalypse from the 30 ap mission in a previous thread.
The bow dropped for me, too. Drop rates in general in this game make it a pain to actually accumulate anything. I'm only rank 30, though, so it is probably a lot easier to farm event with more ap.