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  1. #71

    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Raunchybacon View Post
    For the most part yes. I haven't been using any Hime that have defense break on them, this could be my problem?
    Picture was not clear, been using Seigfried (maidens prayer), Gaia, Brynhildr, Amon, Nike, Artemis(sub), Baal(sub)

    going to try swapping Nike for Cybele
    Come to think of it, in Expert there should be only 3 mobs, so that might not be enough to build to Full Burst. You might have to modify accordingly.

    Some thoughts:
    Use all your light kamihime and pair them with Amon (affliction protection) and Indra (affliction removal). Use Van Helsing with Maiden's Prayer for an additional affliction protection. Use Amon's affliction protection immediately and kill the 1-charge overdrive enemy, then the 3-charge enemy, letting neither of them use their overdrive. Try to time it so it takes 4 turns. Taking the remaining enemy down should take 2 more turns, but hopefully longer. When the boss fight begins, spam skills to reduce her HP and force her into Rage ASAP. You have 2 turns to force her into Rage (and 2 opportunities to prevent Petrification), at which point you should be ready for a full burst. Your Burst should force her into Stun immediately. Amon's Protection CD should be up again, now giving you a 3rd block. The entire fight should be over in 4 turns, and if it's not, she should be sufficiently injured that you can finish her off with intermittent auto-attacks and skills. Indra and Van Helsing's cleanse should give you a 4th opportunity to remove Petrification at some point.
    Last edited by sanahtlig; 04-18-2017 at 06:21 PM.

  2. #72
    Thanks for the tips, though swapping out Nike for Cybele for def break let me full burst her into rage mode in 1 attack (which I couldn't do before with Nike) Just won without losing a hime. I'll keep running this team and see how my winrates go. If its still low Ill try change my soul.

  3. #73
    Wow, was crushed that my team was wiped so close to a win but it still gave me the win since poison killed it. Petrification can be really brutal.

  4. #74
    Quote Originally Posted by Sighto View Post
    Wow, was crushed that my team was wiped so close to a win but it still gave me the win since poison killed it. Petrification can be really brutal.
    If it still gave you the win then dont feel crushed, you should feel so satisfied after such a win!

  5. #75
    That was just initially. Glad I got lucky, although I'd prefer more of it in the gacha area.

  6. #76
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Sighto View Post
    That was just initially. Glad I got lucky, although I'd prefer more of it in the gacha area.
    now now u r being greedy~ feel the wrath of RNGesus!~ lol

  7. #77
    SlickFenix Guest

    Need Help With Party Selection

    I stumbled upon this forum while searching about the event, and you guys have some great tips. Unfortunately I find myself having troubles getting through Expert Reliably. I'm about 4 out of 9 right now, and have stepped back to standard for the guaranteed win. I know I should be able to beat Expert over and over and was hoping you guys could help give me some ideas/pointers with what I have. Right now I'm Rank 46 and my team is around 22k atk power (That's about an average of my many setups). Here is what I have available to me:


    Lancelot - Lvl20
    Oliver - Lvl20
    Vivian - Lvl20
    Merlin - Lvl20
    Beowulf - Lvl20
    Van Helsing - Lvl20
    Billy the Kid - Lvl20
    Gawain - Lvl10
    Roland - Lvl20
    Cassiopeia - Lvl20
    Rosenkreuz - Lvl20
    Granuaile - Lvl20


    Nergal *** - Lvl50
    Ignis ** - Lvl40
    Brynhildr ** - Lvl50
    Amon **** - Lvl69
    Rusalka *** - Lvl42
    Nike ** - Lvl50
    Belphegor * - Lvl40
    Oceanus ** - Lvl50
    Boreas *** - Lvl50
    Cybele *** - Lvl45
    Heimdallr *** - Lvl43
    Indra ** - Lvl40
    Perun ** - Lvl40
    Baal *** - Lvl40
    Hermod ** - Lvl40
    Mephistopheles *** - Lvl50
    Urania *** - Lvl50
    Dike *** - Lvl50

    Eidolon (SR and Higher):

    Jormungandr *
    Sephiroth **
    Ignited Dragoon
    Prison of Light, Disaster

    So far I have been using Cassiopeia, with Urania (F), Dike (F), Mephistopheles (R), Brynhildr (R), Amon (B), Nike (B). And it has worked sometimes. I use skill of lowering enemy atk and def on Cass. I tried Van Helsing with Maiden's, but my biggest problem there was that my team was not dealing enough damage in the beginning, so by the time I took out the first wave I was at half health and my only healer was dead because she got picked on. With my current setup, I can get through the first wave pretty quickly and keep full health (or next to full health) thanks to my 2 healers. Once I get to Medusa I can quickly get her up to rage, but then it's slow getting her down because I had exhausted all my abilities and used my Burst. Sometimes I'm within an inch of killing her when she finishes off my team, and sometimes I have the last man standing.

    Again, I'm looking for ideas on team setup and skill I can be using to help clear Expert more easily (100% of the time). I appreciate your ideas and suggestions.

  8. #78

    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    Is your Full Burst ready at the start of the Medusa fight? How many turns does it take you to get Medusa's Rage meter from full to 0 without using Burst?

    Also, your list format makes it really hard to determine how many kamihime of each element you have access to. I haven't memorized the English names of the 80% of kamihime I don't have.
    Last edited by sanahtlig; 04-19-2017 at 07:18 AM.

  9. #79
    SlickFenix Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by sanahtlig View Post
    Is your Full Burst ready at the start of the Medusa fight? How many turns does it take you to get Medusa's Rage meter from full to 0 without using Burst?

    Also, your list format makes it really hard to determine how many kamihime of each element you have access to. I don't have the English names of the 80% of kamihime I don't have memorized.
    Please forgive me, I was trying to give as much info as I can and didn't think about listing their elements. They are grouped by element, so it will be easy to tell you who is what. Nergal through Amon (First 4) are Fire, Rusalka through Oceanus (5 through 8) are Water, Boreas through Heimdallr (9 through 11) are Wind, Indra through Hermod (12 through 15) are Thunder, Mephistopheles is Dark, and The last 2 are Light. For Quick Reference I have 4 Fire, 4 Water, 3 Wind, 4 Thunder, 1 Dark, 2 Light

    When I get to Medusa I'm usually about 1 or 2 attacks away from being at full burst (There is only one group of 3 guys before getting to her). It will take me about 4 turns to deplete her rage. Usually by the time I get her to rage she is either right at her burst or one away, and then about every other attack from her is burst, because after she uses it she automatically has 1 of the 2 burst counter lights lit up. So by the time I get her down she's able to use it about 2 times, sometimes 3. I've tried putting Amon in the Rear section starting out and have my other 2 healers as backup, however it doesn't turn out as well as putting her in backup position.

    Thank You again for your replies, I appreciate you taking time to help me out.

  10. #80
    This post will take quite a chunk of your time so grab a coffee and some snacks first.

    First of all, I found myself questioning why you don't have a single Legendary Heroic Soul (>.>).
    But that's besides the point. Personally to me, because I don't know your playstyle, what you're struggling with and the fact that we don't have the same stats, it's hard for anyone reading your posts to judge the situation that you're in. If you can somehow record a video of yourself playing it, that'd be great, but that would be too much of a hassle for you to record and upload so let's just get to the point.

    What I personally can do is provide info on how I would play the Expert mode with what you have though.

    Before we begin let us talk about the strategy on how to beat Medusa effectively first because I believe this will help you with your future fights as well.
    Based on my experience so far, there are two types of bosses.

    The first type is where you want the boss to be in it's normal mode for as long as possible while you want to get it out of it's rage mode as fast as possible (Eg: Jormun and Typhon) simply because their Overdrive during rage is simply waaaay stronger and destructive than it's normal overdrive.

    The second type is when the boss's Rage Overdrive is actually more tolerable and preferable usually because they deal single target damage (or at the very least it doesn't hit your entire team with it) and thus as odd as this may sound, you'd prefer that they stay in their rage mode compared to their normal mode. Some bosses that falls into this category would be Garuda (deals really strong but only single target damage during rage OD), Pheonix (buffs herself with lifesteal instead of huge defense during rage) and of course Medusa as well.

    Now you might be asking why in the hell would you want Medusa who can potentially one hit snake bite kill during Rage OD up to three targets to keep her in her rage mode. Two reasons:
    1. No matter how many debuff cleansers/nullifiers you have, you will end up being in a HUGE trouble if you're made to cleanse both the petrify and the poison from her OD. The main thing you want to cleanse is petrify, but the game will ALWAYS cleanse whichever debuff is placed first meaning any petrify placed after the poison can screw you up royally if you're not careful. The rage OD however does not have any debuff giving you much more breathing room to cleanse debuffs.
    2. The rage OD can only hit up to 3 targets. Now here's the thing about this OD. It deals double damage (maybe even more) to petrified targets and can potentially one shot almost any petrified character with one bite. Meaning it's your top priority to make sure your team is petrify free at this point. However, if you're petrify free, good news, it barely deals enough damage to chunk 1/3 of your himes with each bite.

    So here is my question to you, if you have a full burst gauge by the time you reach Medusa, can you burst her immediately into rage mode?
    Does your heroic soul have a light weapon equipped (this is a must)? Even if you don't have any SR or greater light weapon, you should definitely at least have the Light Glaive obtained from Jormun event, meaning you can put it on either Beowulf (or if possible farm Gilgamesh and put it on her).

    If you answered yes, to the two questions, brilliant we should be able to move on. Playing defensively on Medusa with heals and defense buffs is not a reliable option because you're just begging to be petrified.
    Let's start with the team formation strategy first because as a certain someone once said:
    With proper preparation, the winner of a game is decided before it even begins.
    Character Setup N1
    Hero- Beowulf [equipped with Maiden's prayer/Sneak attack extra ability]
    Weapon- Light glaive called Hovud Sword from Jormun event.
    Kami setup-
    [Front row]- Urania, Dike
    [Back row]- Brynhildr, Amon
    [Reserve row]- Indra, [another lightning element]
    IF you have a decently leveled up light staff
    Hero- Cassiopeia [equipped with Maiden's prayer/Sneak attack extra ability]
    Weapon- Light staff
    Kami setup-
    [Front row]- Urania, Dike
    [Back row]- Indra, Amon
    [Reserve row]- Brynhildr, [another lightning element]
    Eidolon setup-
    Prisoner of Light (main Eidolon)

    Jormun <-Use whenever possible on Medusa
    Typhon <-Use whenever you're ready to burst
    Medusa <-For raw stat boost and use her whenever you have no other Eido to use
    Ying Long<-For damage reduction if Jormun's debuff runs out
    Sephiroth<-For DEF boost during rage OD

    Support Eido- ALWAYS pick either Phoenix or Behemoth. Preferably 35% or more light damage boost Phoenix.
    When the battle begins, FOCUS on the snake Medulsina because it will try to petrify your team once every 2 turns.
    If you have sneak attack, debuff all 3 mobs at the start, and throw all your attack abilities onto Medulsiana. If your Phoenix support is a friend's Eidolon and is available for use at the beginning, save it for Turn 2 because it could help negate some debuff from Stheno while dealing damage to Medulsiana before it uses the petrify.
    If you're going with the Beowulf setup, all 5 of them should be able to throw one ability each onto Medulsiana. (Don't forget sneak attack debuff!)
    This should take down Medulsiana before any petrify can be used.
    Starting from now, there are two options. It is the question of "Can you take down Stheno before she uses her 3 orb OD?".
    (A) If you can consistently kill both Medulsiana and Stheno before Turn 4, I highly recommend putting up Amon's Devil's kiss (debuff shield) before you even attack in Turn 1.
    (B) If not, put the shield up only AFTER Stheno has used her poison because you want to make sure that you have a shield ready as well as another shield that is already off cooldown by the time you reach Medusa. Remember you don't want to take any chances with her petrify.
    In situation B where your damage is lower than A, you'd also want to prolong the fight once Stheno is taken down by simply using normal attacks without using any buffing or abilities. This provides you with plenty of time to build up your burst gauge and fully prepare all your cooldowns by the time your reach Medusa.

    Now that you have reached Medusa, you hopefully have a full burst gauge and Amon's shield on your entire team. Heals should be used whenever necessary.
    TURN 1-Use sneak attack debuff, Dike's armour debuff, Typhon for damage buff and use full burst. Hopefully this puts her straight into rage mode.
    TURN 2-Use Jormun, Beowulf's Grendel killer, all the other Kamihime's damage abilities and IF Medusa used petrify Turn 1, reapply Devil's kiss shield from Amon in case of a 2nd round of debuff. Remember you do NOT want any of your petrified himes to be bitten with Rage OD. If you're using Beo setup with Bryn in the rear, you can also use Valkyrie assault.
    TURN 3-Use Sephiroth (DEF buff for Rage OD), attack normally.
    TURN 4-Use friend's Phoenix (Your next line of debuff defense to greatly reduce chance of being petrified) and attack.
    TURN 5-Hopefully by around this turn, Medusa is stunned. Attack normally <-(Depending on how high your damage is you can use Dragon buster on next turn or the turn after that because using it early will deal alot of damage to Medusa making her quickly get out of Stun faster.)
    TURN 6 and later- Throw as many attack abilities as you can. It is tempting to wait for a full burst but unless you have it ready during Stun, don't attempt to wait for a full burst because petrify can royally screw up that full burst combination. Use it whenever there is 2 or more characters that can burst or if said character with full burst is about to die (in which case might as well use it before the reserve comes in to replace).
    Use Indra's affliction cleanser as well if your team is being petrified stun lock and one of your himes died at this point because Indra will definitely not be in petrified status when she first come onto the set.

    The Cassiopeia setup is a safer setup that provides you with much more breathing room if you can burst Medusa in rage mode immediately. This works even better if you equip Maiden's prayer onto her so that her and Indra can take turns cleansing any petrify that Amon's shield can no longer protect. But since there is always the possibility that BOTH characters can get petrified, it is often not as reliable as Amon's shield.
    Last edited by Inb4whales; 04-19-2017 at 01:07 PM.

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