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  1. #1
    This event is gonna be nasty for me. I don't really have any eido or weapon with light element besides I only have 2 light KH and they're both R . Any tips there? I'm mostly fire based element.

  2. #2

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    4 pull and nothing here, I feel you man.

    What I have done tbh... when I can just do ultimate with my team.

  3. #3
    got my arse kick x3 ahahah
    got no light kami/eido

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by EmpeRawr View Post
    Any tips there?
    Yeah, maybe half of the thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Yolodesu View Post
    Vivian (Maiden's prayer, you can equip it in EX skill) and Behemoth (eidolon).
    Amon (and Poseidon if you're a lucky one) also has an affliction immunity.
    Phoenix (eidolon) also gives you some affliction resistance when summoned, and Mordred aswell with her "Vicissitudes of Fortune" skill.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aidoru View Post
    Use Amon, the regular one you get from the story. She has a skill that can be pre-activated that give a 1 time permanent buff that will protect from any debuff/affliction once, then it needs to be reapplied.

    Use Phoenix as a sub or friend support to help with affliction resist or Behemoth to remove affliction if you have it or a friend. If you have Mordred, she also has a increase affliction resist ability.

    Be aware that Medusa uses it at random, sometimes she might not use her petrify and other times she might just spam it. You do not want to be petrified during her rage, she will use hard hitting single target attacks and kill off your party.
    Quote Originally Posted by CBW View Post
    I just beat Expert, 2nd try. Need to go even more defensive. Behemoth is only level 21, but I gotta use it! Unfortunately, on both attempts my soul was first down. Adding Amon.

    Rage does not last long and she is very squishy. This might be a good battle for multiple elements.
    Quote Originally Posted by CBW View Post
    I think I am settling on this team:

    Andromeda with Maiden's (with lowbie Behemoth as main, enjoy!)
    Artemis (can go Belphegor here for extra stability)
    Backup Belphegor, Cybele

    That's 4 dispels, and a pre-emptive immunity.
    Quote Originally Posted by Yolodesu View Post
    You don't have any Def debuff at all. As you said, she is squishy, so you'd better try to burst her than being tanky.
    Imo, replace Indra with Belphegor, and Maiden's prayer with Gawain's ex skill if you can.
    Use Amon's immunity on first trash fight to get your cd back on Medusa, and use behemoth if 2 immunity isnt enough. Obviously, use your overdrive when she's enraged.
    Quote Originally Posted by CBW View Post
    Solid advice. I'll keep it in mind, but this team just took out Medusa Ultimate.
    This is page 1. Let me know if you need help for page 2

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Yolodesu View Post
    Yeah, maybe half of the thread

    This is page 1. Let me know if you need help for page 2
    Yeah I know. I did read it but i'm kinda lacking the other KH besides i'm new here.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by EmpeRawr View Post
    Yeah I know. I did read it but i'm kinda lacking the other KH besides i'm new here.
    You should at least have Amon right? She gives you an immunity to affliction (the most dangerous thing on Medusa is petrified, which prevents your kamihime to act during 3 turns)
    It would help if you can tell us more. What is your actual soul and do you have access to Gawains / Granuaile / Vivian ex skill? What are your kamihime available?

  7. #7
    lol i was dumb almost got myself wiped..... 3 times wasted amon skills cuz of beezle debuff...

  8. #8
    that THING is broken as fuck really: she hits me once with petrify and then she keeps on spamming it untill all my team drop balanced.
    i have amon and indra but it is useless. no ultimate for me this time Q_Q

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Yolodesu View Post
    You should at least have Amon right? She gives you an immunity to affliction (the most dangerous thing on Medusa is petrified, which prevents your kamihime to act during 3 turns)
    It would help if you can tell us more. What is your actual soul and do you have access to Gawains / Granuaile / Vivian ex skill? What are your kamihime available?
    Well yeah I have Amon and Indra as my KH and my soul is Andromeda so I do have access to Vivian's skill and and also Gawain's but not Granuaile.I don't really have any weapon and eidolon that has light element, the best I have is a fire type axe weapon plus the hammer last event and my best eidolon are Typhon and Jorm. My KHs that I have are Ares, Baal, Cybele, Indra, Mephisto and some others which are pretty much R in rarity. I don't know if it's just me being unlucky since Medusa uses her petrify skill for me almost every time, but I'll try a few more times and lvl up my KH and see if I can finish it

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