Quote Originally Posted by jazz154 View Post
I must say... I don't like raid events. They require to much effort to max lb eido and weapon if your luck suck plus they don't ever come back. I find advent events easier to get what I want from them.
I like them more because while a bit more time consuming (though I'd argue less because if you have a decent team you can just join someone elses and auto for most likely MVP, while in solo you generally have to do the work), the rewards feel a lot greater. The jewels, soul points, gems, plenty of +1 weapons, even if RNG hates you at least you get a bunch of consolatory prizes. With solo it's spend x amount of half-elixers to get prize, and the only real rewards outside of the eid is maybe a weapon (the dark ones I found completely useless during medusa because the SRs were almost all defender). And getting the side prizes actually punish you, while the prizes in raids are just the stepping stones to the big rewards since it's all fixed.