Quote Originally Posted by sanahtlig View Post
I spent 18k jewels, 1 SSR kamihime ticket, and 16 gatcha tickets. I've focused on water-element to date and have the ever-flexible SSR healer Sol, so I was hoping for water SSRs but prepared to work with anything.

Shiva (SSR water, from SSR kamihime ticket)
Gaia (SSR wind, from SSR kamihime ticket)
Raphael (SSR light, from Jewel Gatcha)
Acala (SSR fire, from Jewel Gatcha)
A useless SSR eidolon (Fire Kaiser Nova Dragon) with a heal buff for Fire-element
A variety of SR kamihime that would fill out a Fire, Light, or Wind team + Triton (Water).

Overall it was a pretty good haul. I have some options to sacrifice damage in return for added utility, like Gaia's version of Joan of Arc's damage reduction. If I get another water SSR I could run a strong full SSR team with the 90% water character attack up eidolon. I also have the beginnings of teams for 3 other elements, should I get SSRs of other elements in the future. I have 2 Light SSRs now (Sol and Raphael), but I'm unsure a Light team would be an improvement over my current Water team.
Nice haul. I have a question since you seem to like to crunch numbers. Have you compared the Kaiser SSR Eido vs the other SSR Eidos? From what i see the Kaiser series has high stats, with ok Eido powers and nigh useless assist. From what i've seen the Kaiser series has a max attack of 3000 vs the ~2000 for the other SSR. When i first saw them i had the same reaction of useless. But their stats alone might make them really powerful. Any thoughts?