Welp, for me, in my first try in my first day, I got Fafnir right off the bat, making me squeal in delight for at that time I got a Fire/Water team... Damn feels good to get her...
Welp, for me, in my first try in my first day, I got Fafnir right off the bat, making me squeal in delight for at that time I got a Fire/Water team... Damn feels good to get her...
Thanks. But I've been around for a while and I didn't miss out much events, especially raids that don't reprint. This was just one of the 10-chain tickets from the DP crossover mission reward that I finally bit the bullet to use it. Apparently the bullet was made of marshmellow
Can't pull a single ssr drop from this event gachas (Not that i care about the + hp spear), but the premium ticket got me Thor. Still mad at the "improved" drop rate of Yggdrasil.
DMM ID: 542707285
if i rolled 2 Amaterasu already, and 1 Sol, is this considered bad luck (cuz got only weapon for second Ama) or good luck (cuz technically still got SSR) ?
i used my 40k on main and 20k on alt.... 0 SSR....
kind of feel like quiting = ="
Alt uses a premium ticket. Gets Thor. Not sure if I should be happy or angry that my main gets diddly squat.
Your not kidding rite? Hole shet! That's 200 rolls mang! They said they be like givin it a 3% for a SSR so that shoulda been 1 in 33 shot rite? No other way mang, da bullet wasnt even inthe gun mang, nutaku be like done goofed up agaain like that last evend! Your srsly got yorself screwed mang.