I have to agree with Mr. QXZ in this one, as a newbie I felt overwhelmed even with the Disaster raids due to having really shitty luck with the gacha on my first account and then I found the forums and guides by mere luck and decided to Re-Roll, ironically it just took me an hour and forty minutes to get my "dream" account and now with a little insight from this guide and knowledge that you gather from just playing the game and experiencing it for yourself I can clear with my Re-Rolled account all of the end game content without using Elixirs & also surpass higher level players (90-120) in damage and survivability, you maybe should've Re-Rolled a few weeks earlier but we all make mistakes, I personally Re-Rolled until I was Rank 60 haha...
May you find good luck if you decide to go through the Re-Rolling hell, there's some souls still grieving over in there, also don't take it too seriously; just do it 2-3 hours daily or in your spare time.