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  1. #1
    I wanted to believe that saving up for Thanatos may pay off too.
    2x 3k Jewel pull - Chaos
    1x DARK gacha - Kamadeva, Ithaqua
    1x New character gacha - seeing animation for SSR... moment of tension... Michael

    I feel confused...

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Gachas are basically scams. Your chance to pull Thanatos with that little was probably around 5% (I can't be bothered to check the calc). So if you twenty people did that, maybe one of them would get Thanatos.

    That's why Miracle Ticket and guaranteed SSR Hime are a thousand times more bang for your buck. And the latter has been butchered...

  3. #3
    bought the fire burst gacha pulled acala

    why no uriel or ares game?

  4. #4
    I know they're scams and I know it was only few pulls in comparison to how others make videos where they effortlessly pull 10x 10 or more - I guess a part of me was still hoping that those few % of theoretically increased drop rate may put me among the lucky few this time

    Guess the luck ran out when I've managed to get Brahma and Uriel from premium gacha tickets few weeks back

    Why so few? I would love to purchase the guaranteed SSR gachas, but here Nutaku suddenly merged Eidolons and SSR kami weap into one... 6k of currency for this month was just there so why not at least try for the character I could use?
    Last edited by Zuka; 04-13-2018 at 03:48 PM.

  5. #5
    totally human here Guest
    rolled with 33k jewels, 30 premium tix, 2 sr tix and 4 kami tix

    3 SSR kami - Shiva, Michael, Raphael
    3 SSR eido - Behemoth(dupe), Jabberwock, Nova Dragoon
    5 SR kami - Ithaqua, Enkidu, Raguel, Hypnos, Diana
    5 R kami - Taikoubou, Vulcan, Tlaloc, Chaos, Scathach

    i already got Sol, seems the game is telling me to main light.
    too bad it didnt gave me Thanatos for my dark team.
    and all of the SSR i got are from jewel rolls and my tix rolls were very disappointing no SSR from them at all.
    welp, dat gacha for you.

  6. #6
    with games like this, its not unusual for $ gacha > free jewel gacha.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by QXZ View Post
    with games like this, its not unusual for $ gacha > free jewel gacha.
    We have no proof of that being the case. We also know that that isn't the case on DMM side, since Japs need to state the chances.

    However, real life money is an "unlimited resource" for some people, whileas Jewels never are. So in that sense, yes...?

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