crosspost from general discussion

Let me share some personal expirience.
I was in "there is no 100%" sect too, and having terrible luck with gacha in general. As wind element player i started with Hastur, Chronos and Behemoth and got nothing in next 7-8 gachas - no single ssr, only 1 wind sr, some off-element sr. All hime tickets were r, sr+ tickets were eydolons or garbage weapons. I even started rerolling, made 100 attemts, but only have single account- Gaya with no support at all (2 off element R) and the same with Ruy-Oh, 1 account with 2 different element hime. But next jewel gacha gave me Osiris (off element, but nice) - i thought that account was scared that i shall abandon it . Next time Cybele event became - and do you know what my jewels/tickets gave me for wind party? sure, nothing. But next premium ticket from login gave me Amaterasu. At this time i already had 2.6k jewels (thanks to login campaign) so i did some harem quests, prayed rng god for Cybele/Gaya and pressed "10 chain draw " button. Golden glow - 1 SSR orb- skip - Orpheus wind(R) - and - and that's all. So it's copy ssr or eydolon. No, it can't be Hrae, no way, not in this era, it even can't be Belial to couple with Amaterasu. With very sad mood i pressed skip. Eydolon... wind.... least something.... 0_o Hrae, LOL WTF??? it can't be real!!!