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One friend of my Union has a strange relationship with a SSR Kamihime; Hades. She was one of his first SSR, and he was happy about it at the time. Then begin the weirdness. On that moment he has 3 SSR counting Hades. But on the next two months, he pulled some more Kamihime weapons, but nearly all of them where more Hades weapons. That includes spending some real money. On one moment, he has 5 SSR Kamihime, but has MLB Hades weapon. We joke that he has his particular Yandere ('I, Hades will not let you touch another golden Hime'), but he was very unhappy of pulling always the same Hime. At least, since he completed the Hades weapon, he has not pulled more copies of her.
that's hardcore... lol
guess i should consider myself lucky that I only got 1 duplicate of Hades

but LB2 raphael release wep, i want to die