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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    in a state of depression
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    not bad, i'm guessing you should have a mlb fafnir so she's nice for sub eidos or even main eido for water/fire unless you get rudra/belial
    and 2 new ssrs is always a blessing in a x1 guaranteed draw, even if they're not core
    selling brand new account with L/E SSR and full plus more fire team.

    has at least 1 SSR of each element.

    rank 41 .
    pm me teehee xox

  2. #2

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kitty View Post
    not bad, i'm guessing you should have a mlb fafnir so she's nice for sub eidos or even main eido for water/fire unless you get rudra/belial
    and 2 new ssrs is always a blessing in a x1 guaranteed draw, even if they're not core
    unfortunately, i already had fire covered by echidna and mainly had tiamat for water, so all the previous copies i had before that pull are long gone. otherwise I likely would have either had her MLB already, or that copy would have been the last needed for it. as great as she would be for a sub eidolon, I kinda min-max my eidolons so i can go after the kaisers... and I'm halfway done with that (bought the fire, wind, and light ones). haven't sold the copy I just pulled, but I might end up getting rid of it... But then again, I plan on keeping Tartarus to see how the evade works (especially with blind on an enemy).

    and while I might get some usage out of atum (auto revive, why not), can't say i'd use Beelzebub anytime soon cause of the def debuff and attraction drawbacks...

    but still, there's towers soon so they'll probably get used there somehow... hell, i have to off element the first tower at some point cause my water selection and grid really sucks... i more or less gave up on that element unless rudra somehow appears... (same with thunder but they're in a more salvageable position)
    Last edited by MagicSpice; 12-01-2018 at 03:44 PM.

  3. #3
    I did my premium ticket pulls the other day and the only new thing I got was light caspiel. I'm not sure how good of a hime she is though, especially seeing that she is an r hime. Here's hoping that the next ssr i get is not another repeat weapon or garbage eido.

  4. #4

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    Quote Originally Posted by Xenos View Post
    I did my premium ticket pulls the other day and the only new thing I got was light caspiel. I'm not sure how good of a hime she is though, especially seeing that she is an r hime. Here's hoping that the next ssr i get is not another repeat weapon or garbage eido.
    don't be fooled, she's really strong in the defense debuff department.

    rare 10% C frame def debuff and stacks 3% more per cast in the stacking frame... assuming you're keeping debuffs up for 12 rounds, she's doing more of a def drop than nearly every kamihime in the game.

    my light team build with R kamihime has never replaced her... hell, i just got a no-death R team clear on expert tartarus with her...

  5. #5

    Join Date
    May 2017
    light cas worth it... probly she and light perun are best r light himes to date

  6. #6

    Join Date
    May 2018
    15K magic jewel gacha hoping to pull limited edition halloween hime before it vanishes. and here's what I found

    Share Your Fortune/Misfortune-kami.jpg
    Share Your Fortune/Misfortune-kami-2.jpg

    forgot to capture when I drew Baal along the batch because of the amazement. Looks like the RNG gods has given me their christmas gift.
    Last edited by dacahi; 12-02-2018 at 06:44 AM.

  7. #7

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    May 2017
    Share Your Fortune/Misfortune-sss.png

    when game thinks dat one Sonsaku is not enuf.

  8. #8
    So I got Sol while spending tickets I'd been building up over the last couple events. First SSR I've pulled, and I think I've seen her mentioned several times in this forum as being pretty good...but as far as light goes I have basically nothing else. From what I've read debuff access is the most important thing, and none of my other light himes can do that. Well, I guess Inanna can debuff herself, but somehow I don't think that's quite what I'm looking for.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by BMLlednar View Post
    So I got Sol...but as far as light goes I have basically nothing else.
    She's still useful when starting out as a strong healer that can support any element til you have better.

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