So I tried my luck with the special selection gacha to see if I could get fluffy while her drop rate was up. I bought enough star coins for 3x10 rolls, got nothing, bought more, got an SSR but not fluffy, bought more... Before I knew it, I drew at least 10 SSR eidolons, NONE of which were fluffy or Kirin (the other eidolon with drop rate up.) As if the game had a sense of what I was hoping for, 3 of the SSR eidolons were extra copies of Hecatonchires, so I now have a LB3 light eidolon, which is still weaker than a single copy of fluffy (heck, with near full grid of slvl 20 assault weapon, LB3 Hecatonchires gives less damage than MLB Barong, which I got for free using eidolon orbs.) My overall draw rate for SSR eidolons/himes was pretty close to the 3% but boy were most of the SSRs not useful, not to mention that out of over 20 SSR drops, only ONE was on-banner (Takeminakata), everything else off-banner, and of course, fluffy did not come up. I guess I learned the hard way that these so-called drop rate up gachas are borderline scams - even if you manage to land an SSR, you are still much more likely to get an off-banner than on-banner drop.

Also, I am still mad at myself for giving in to the temptation of whaling for fluffy. Seeing a number of people on my friends list with fluffy and/or other 100% eidolon made me mistakenly think that I had a realistic shot at getting her myself while her drop rate was up. Until now, I only paid for mtix and guaranteed SSR draws (which I thought were overpriced already.) It was quite a wake up call looking at my credit card history after my first (and hopefully last) whaling expedition. Seriously, set some hard limits for yourself if you are going to draw with star coins/real money to avoid severe disappointment and self-loathing afterwards, or better still, stick with magic jewels instead of real money.