Am up to 300 magic jewel draws (30 draws of 10), only one SSR - a duplicate kami weapon. I don't have enough SSR kami to make that likely.

If SSR is really 3% chance per draw odds of a dup are 1 in 20 (due to low number of SSR already owned and improved chance of drawing characters I want because of "event" each time I play), I'm in odds of something like 3 in 2000. If there's 50K players who've been drawing Jewels this year, I'm in the most unlucky 75.

All I'm saying people is if you see me getting on a train, get off because it may not crash, but it'll definitely get delayed. Hoping to get another draw of 10 before Mammon vanishes.

Have picked up my first Shadow Weapon though, so could be worse.