the free gacha campaign was very gd to me and unexpected, because I expected fuck all, what I got shocked me but in a good way.

The very 1st day it gave me vohu manah which I thought i'd never get and only now do I see why she's really good: she can attack all, gives herself triple attack, lowers all enemies fire attack and water resist and when she bursts can heal herself, god tier hime. If she ever gets an awakening she'd be unstoppable more so then she already is.

I expected Vohu to be the only hime I expected to pick up with free gacha and 3 jewel multis but over the course of this event I pulled quite a few in total:

Free gacha: Vohu, eros, iris and Thunderbird (dupe)
Jewel gacha: Moonlight maiden Tsukuyomi, Nephthys (3 multis)

My light team was sort of mediocre but it now just became godly. If I end up getting either raphael or michael, I'm pretty much sorted. Doubt I can be that lucky tho. 3rd year really hit me out of nowhere like an RKO