a day before the union event, I topped up for the SSR kami ticket which is $65 when converted from my currency to USD... so I got an extra 1K as a compensation...
I found with that ticket a kami weapon I already had, so no new SSR Kami, no SR and no R ... (tyr's sword)
cause I had 1k extra gold on my account, i topped up another 500 gold to do the 1.5k gold draw for the first time and... found 2 R kami that i'll probably never use.
not a single dark, then I realized the next day was the day Hades was released. I thought it would be 2 days after from when I bought the ticket... if I knew, I probably would've saved it for a day... maybe I could've found ANY other kami. this made me so upset to the point where I wanted to quit but... well it won't end well if I actually did delete my account then.

then the next day, in the union event, got some premium ticket and found Light Nergal and did 300 draw and found yet ANOTHER SSR Kami weapon that I already had...(Amaterasu's staff)
but... that's nice, to think I can spend just 300 jewel to get a draconic eye and limit breaks one of my SSR weapons... I'd rather find SR/SSR I already had than any R wep/eido... but compared to spending $65 to do it.... bullshit... if you're spending this amount, you shouldn't be able to find someone you already had... it's really not fair.