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    [Event 10] Advent Battle vs Ixion

    The imperious Eidolon, Ixion is on her way!

    This authoritarian Eidolon must be stopped, or she will enslave all mankind!

    The Advent Battle vs. Ixion will begin after the maintenance is completed on the evening of May 31st (PDT), so prepare yourself!

    From Japanese Wiki: http://xn--hckqz0e9cygq471ahu9b.xn--...87%A8%E6%88%A6

    Using Google Translate (and some help from other posters):

    Material Exchange Recommendations

    1. It is very rare to see SSR Eidolon or Wpn drop from chest. Therefore you should exchange using material.
    2. High Priority: SSR Wpn (Sword), Half Elixir, Wpn Gacha Ticket
    3. Medium Priority: SSR Eidolon, Soul Points, Offensive SR Wpn
    4. Low Priority: Grimroies, Premium Gacha, Defensive Wpn

    About Ixion

    1. Ixion is compatible with Sandalphone
    2. Sandalphone is slightly better than Ixion


    1. Difficulty has been increased significantly
    2. Ragnarok Difficulty added at 0AP Cost but limit to 1 attempt per day, regardless of win or lose.
    2. Limit of 1 Elixir per battle
    3. Ragnarok difficulty require lv50 to attempt
    4. Because of high difficulty, players without high offensive power may be better off doing main quest or daily quest to build up your team.
    5. At a minimum, you should have SR Cybele (from Quest) on your team

    Ixion Attacks

    1. Large damage to single target
    2. High damage to all + Decrease burst gauge by 30% (75% in Ragnarok difficulty)
    3. Attack single target 2x
    4. Ixion HP: Ultimate = 850k, Ragnarok = 3.15M


    1. The recommended Soul is Mordred
    2. However, it is difficult to find good sword and glaives of Wind type
    3. Be very careful about the Ixion Fanatic (minion) they have healing and self destruction, and burst in 1 turn.
    4. It is desirable to nuke down the minions in the 1st turn
    5. It is almost impossible to prevent Ixion using her burst in rage mode.
    6. Her double attack is strong and can easily kill 1 hime
    7. Debuffs and (Mordred's) Black Propaganda are highly effective
    8. The other recommended Soul is Joan of Arc
    9. Recommended Team SSR Gaia, R Caspiel (not released yet), SR Itacqua (not released yet), SR Oberon, SR Cybele, R Zephyors
    10. Recommended SR Hime - Oberon
    11. Recommended R Hime - Caspiel

    Update based on Feedback
    Based on the feedbacks in this thread so far, there is 2 common strategies.
    1. Defensive: Use Jean and ATK down himes to build up meter and tank dmg. When Ixion rages, burst her down
    2. Affliction: Use Mortred and ATK down, similar to above
    3. Offensive: Use Siegfried, build meter and gun down Ixion in her first rage

    4. ATK down is very valuable, Cybele is the go-to hime here.
    5. Gaia is nearly must have for Ragnarok clear
    Last edited by QXZ; 06-04-2017 at 12:16 PM. Reason: updated strategies

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