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  1. #37
    Beat the Rag twice with dark team: Jeanne w/ sniper shot, Satan, Susanoo, Amon Unleashed, Sol.
    6k HP, 33k raw atk w/ about 100% boost from both weapon and eido skills.

    1st battle started with two def down missed, totaling 60% atk down but only 15% def down. Then Satan's overdrive meter down failed, resulted in 2 charging blows during the 1st raging, which dealt 2000 damage w/ Jeanne's shield on, and 4000 w/o it.

    The next round of debuffs landed better, only missed 1 atk down, leaving Ixion no chance for burst during the 2nd raging, not much trouble in the rest of the battle.

    2nd battle ran much smoother as all debuffs sticked, the party stayed above half HP all the time. So I think I could give up a bit of debuff and try Modred for more consistent performance.

    Btw the reward of Rag sucks (draconic eye shards will only be added a few events later), not worth using the elixir.
    Last edited by Wanderer; 06-01-2017 at 04:09 AM.

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