So how is PP calculated in this? Is it straight damage? For the crom event I was just starting I was woefully underprepared and definitely didn't get close to maxing the PP rewards, though I did get 150 demonic souls and 80~ divine souls. For this event, I'm aiming to max Quetzalcoatl at least hopefully.

Realistically - considering I have a good fire team, albeit with slightly lacking assault skills, what do you think the minimum overall power should be? (average basic hit 7-9k)

Also, is there anyway to speed up the gain of the Divine/Demonic Souls? Even if i get MVP and a bunch of gold chests, the rewards always give tickets, it's never extra souls. Should I be farming the standard raids rather than the expert ones? The standard ones have a chance of dropping the souls, I just don't know if it's >50%. (because they cost half the BP of an Expert raid, thus the drop rate should hopefully be over 50% to make it worthwhile).

Or do you literally just have to do 150 of each type of raid, blowing through your BP refreshes? And once that's done (if you have the time/BP), just hope that your PP is over 4 million?