THose +30, +15, +1, etc, are all gained 1 at a time from enhancements. Occasionally, from every Gacha, items have a chance of dropping with a +1 on them. All you have to do is feed that item to another item (or eidolon to eidolon), and they'll eventually stack up. Each one is worth 1 hp and 3 atk, and max stacks is 99. This chain can repeat forever too (up to 99 of course). If you put a bunch of them on an item/eidolon you no longer use, when you feed that one to a other unit, they transfer. For example, back in the day i used to have a few on my Sephirot (the story wind eidolon). As soon as I got Quezalcuaotl, I fed Sephirot to Quezalcuaotl (lol) and the bonuses transferred.

Note that you can technically give them to Kamihime as well, but it's not recommended as on a Hime it ONLY benefits that one girl, as opposed to on a weapon/eidolon it benefits the whole team.

Second note: break limits destroy them. So if you have an item with it on it, but use it as a break limit fodder, it disappears.