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Hybrid View

  1. #1
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    im having the same issue this guy had quite a while ago, and i cant find any answers... so i'll try describing it in more detail. On the main menu selection screen with the letters across the top i can see little graphical artifacts where the buttons should be, and you can click on them blindly to get to a character's scene list, however there are no names and no colored boxes. In the options menus all the text is likewise missing, except for the list of choices on the left side (Save/Load/Main Menu/About/Help). The only part of the sliders visible is the moveable button part. At the bottom all i can see is the currently selected page number and whatever is highlighted by the mouseover.

    I should probably add that this didnt all happen at once, and it hasn't effected the older version where everything was split up by rarity that i have kept in a seperate folder. I noticed that even though they are split up they seem to share the same set of save files, so i tried deleting the save folders, and most recently i tried to get rid of everything and start with a clean copy. Somehow it looks like this didnt do anything at all, the saves are exactly the same as they were before. Any ideas? Thanks in advance, guys =-)
    I can't see the names either

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    If you guys want I can record the harem scenes from the dmm version with cam studio and put them up here so at least there is something? Will that be okay?

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