Good news, finally!

after some tinkering around, I managed to convert the file that Cobblemaniac has kindly uploaded, to a file that would work with download asset.

for those interested, it's actually quite easy to do. you only need to open the file with word pad, figure out the url for the scenario.json / .ks files, and change the file to be similar to other nutaku .json files that's in this thread.

so far I've only tested this with the h scene that uses scenario.json (it already works on my player). the story scenes with .ks might or might not be more complicated

other thing to note is, because of the script change, you can now actually get the scenario files yourself provided you figure out what the resource directory code is (previously the dialogue is tied to your account, so you can't access it unless you have the kamihime). after that, you only need to make the ###_character.json yourself (this is the files that's tied to your account. after update, the content now is basically just showing what url to get the file from).

I'll try to upload Amaltheia files when I have changed all three .json files.