Quote Originally Posted by HungryHunter View Post
oh so that why it happens then I should use Cass-chan as my main soul in Raids
Yes and if I remembered it correctly, her teamwide DEF buff also applies to everyone else in the raid, same thing for Andromeda.

So if you're looking to support.
Mordred (Plenty of debuffs, debuff resist down and extra burst turn)

Defensive support- (best done if you can communicate in Union raids)
Joan's 40% damage reduction buff (she also provides 20% ATK debuff under the assumption that it won't miss)

Offensive support-
Arthur's Avalon Guidance (20% ATK buff)
D'Art's Sniper shot (20% ATK+DEF debuff)

As far as I can tell, the only Souls without any raid support abilities are:
-Siegfried (In Union raids, make sure you only have one or two of them because there will never be enough room for more than one stun busters)