Quote Originally Posted by Rhenosa View Post
to break limit, you need to have same unit as fodder. if you want to break limit SSR behe, then you need another SSR behe to do that.
Note: this is why gacha Eidolons aren't the greatest. They may have a good passive, but it's REALLY hard to get more of them, and so will quickly become second string. For example, I had a Takemikazuchi from the gacha, pure luck, TWICE. So broken once, it's max level was now 55... but you know what? Even though its passive is +35% Wind damage, which is comparable to a fully broken Garuda (which is +40% wind).... that Garuda's max level is 100.... which means its stats are WAYYYYYYY higher.

Long story short, try to focus on getting Max copies of event Eidolons, as they'll last you longer. In 3 months from now when you have 6 lvl 100 Eidolons... your Behemoth almost certainly isn't going to be one of them.