That's quite similar to what I'm planning. My line up: Mordred (Ex: Gawain's Ambush), Poseidon, Shiva, Nike, Sol. Mordred's Outrage (-10% atk & def B frame) + Poseidon's Vortical Sea (-20% atk A frame) + Sol's Caldo Luce (-20% atk C frame) + Nike's Victor Shield (+12 def A frame) should do with damage mitigation, along with Sol & Nike's healing. Ambush (-15% def A frame) + Outrage + Eidolon Yamato-no-Orochi active (-12% def) + Shiva's Rigveda (+20% atk A frame) should do for offense. Poseidon's Pure Aqua + Sol's Sunlight Furnace should do with self debuff management. Finally Sol's Afrodull is for enemy buff cancelling.