Quote Originally Posted by CaptainNoobCN View Post
so much O_O i'm not sure how much i get from mine but i'm sure that it's not even close to it.
also, i'm not sure what element to pick as my main team as most of them have avout the same level of skill level
well, at least i know that light is my weakest and wind have onlt 3 assault weapon and 2 of them are 0 stars SSR weapon, so i guess i'm left with 4 options.
and to think next event is dark so i won't have element advanatge, but at least it's raid event so i can ask for help
btw, i recorded my battle with ragnarok level and it went better and the video was 1min shorter, but i had to ruin it T_T
used oceanus ability when yata garasu wasn't stunned yet and wanted to keep the ability so i can make her rage fast
It's high enough bonus to leave it be and focus on leveling something else, in my case wind weapon skills. I guess I could aim for 136%, but there is no point to it if my back up team will be weaker because of that.

I guess it is best to go with team that you have SSR kami in. I wouldn't worry much about weapons since you can always get them at any time, the only problem is leveling weapon skills.
Some people say that Dark is best, other say that Water is best and now you have people telling you that Fire and Wind are best. In the end the best team is the team that you have kamihimes that can fill various roles, like having one strong healer, having ability to reach 50% def/atk down, having blind/charm/stun, havind def buffs or atk buffs and of course having at least one very hard hitting kami.

As for ragnarok? As long as it is completed without use elixirs then it is success in my book.